Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Continental Knitting

I know I've touched on this before (likely a year ago), but I'm making this entry for those who were at my "Switching to Continental Knitting" class tonight.

The Utube video is in the entry below. It is excellent! You will refer to it again & again. You can even pause it to get your fingers in position if need be.

The book that we discussed is this one & I've put the link below. is (by far) the cheapest way to get knit books (or any other kind for that matter) online. If you spend $39- or more (which isn't hard especially if you set up a wishlist), you get free shipping.

I had so much fun at the class tonight. Everyone was extremely nice to deal with. I hope they weren't just putting on a show because I got the impression that they were enjoying themselves. Okay, so not the knitting part, but the jokes, etc.
This group is also very tricky. They tried to convince me that I couldn't post their pic because they were in the witness protection program, but I took my chances, they look like fast runners, lol.

The most important thing is to relax & practice. It will definitely feel awkward at first because you're retraining your fingers & brain. This will pass & you will love the results. It's so much faster & easier on your joints & hands. You might be cursing me now, but you'll be thanking me later, lol.
Best of luck & don't forget that you can email if you have any questions or concerns.

Peace out, Boop

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