It's been so dang cold here the past month that I just can't seem to keep warm for any length of time. I sometimes try going back to bed after the kids get on their bus. Not for the sake of sleeping, but just to sit under the electric blanket for a while to get warm. It's also a good way to get my thoughts organized, make my chore list for the day & catch up on my emails.
The basement, where I theoretically have my studio, is so cold that the laundry that I had soaking in a bucket froze solid the other day. Imagine my surprise when I went to change over a load & put the bucket garments in the wash, lol.
So, I got looking through free patterns online whilst doing the obligatory T.V. watching/ hubby bonding time. I figured that some form of fingerless gloves would be advisable if I was going to be productive during this cold snap.
The result was a freebie that I got here:
You just gotta love the Net.
Peace out & stay warm, Boop
Hmmm. I would like to see these knitted in fur (minus the holes!). Now THAT would be warm! Very pretty.
Very pretty and interesting. Was the pattern difficult? Left a message on your Feb. 13 blog but it hasn't appeared. Interesting.
I tested the Feb.13th comments & mine went through fine. The only advice I have is to refresh the page after you've made a comment to make sure it took. Thx.
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